product category | Blantech Imports

Our Story

At Blantech Imports, our purpose is simple: ‘Your Tech is Our Concern’

Six years ago, with his passion & love for Technology together with her drive for independence & entrepreneurship, BLANTECH IMPORTS Was Created…On The 2nd Of November 2015, A New Passage For Success Was Destined…Blantech Imports has since been an online-based retailing store for all your technology devices accessories for the last six years. Today we still sell technology device accessories—as well as technology devices, gadgets, and more. That ‘more’ is providing remarkable customer service, customer experience, and company culture.

Throughout the six years, Blantech Imports have existed our clientele has expanded nationwide throughout most areas of Trinidad & Tobago. Our mission is to create quality service for our clients by supplying them with authentic products and services through our merchandise and entrepreneur skills. Our vision is to be one of the known retail stores in Trinidad and Tobago with strictly authentic products for your technological devices. We hope to continue to grow and hope to expand into our first retail store on physical grounds in the near future…

Our Mission

To create quality service for our clients by supplying them with authentic products and services through our merchandise and entrepreneur skills. 

Our Essence

Blantech Imports operates by Authenticity, Noteworthy, Passion & Individuality   

Our Promise

We always deliver authentic products and services that successfully satisfy all your technology protection needs and wants.

Our Vibe

At Blantech Imports, we make your technology protection dreams come through our authentic branded accessories for all your devices—and then do it—together every day reinventing what’s possible for all your technology protection needs